Sunday, October 19, 2014

A Month's Worth Of Pictures!

Never really got around to blogging during my last 7 on at work, so now you guys get a whole slew of pictures that I've taken since the last post! Nothing super huge to report going on since last month, so I'll just jump straight into the fun :]

Jayson being silly one morning on the way to daycare. I was at a stoplight and turned around to ask him a question, and this is what I saw lol. Pretty sure this was the last day my kids wore shorts :/ (can you tell I love summer?) 

I carpet cleaned our entire house all by myself on one of my days off (and no joke it pretty much took ALL day to do)....I was pretty dang proud of my accomplishment! I moved as much of the furniture out of our front room as I could to get the task done, and opened the window after. My dear cats acted like they had never seen fresh air or sunlight in their lives and immediately soaked up whatever available nice weather they could. 

To kick off the first day of October, we visited a pumpkin patch in Farmington called Pack Farms! I love this patch because it's free to get in, and the pumpkins are reasonably priced. This was our second year of tradition anyone?? Hardly anyone was there because of the massive rainstorm an hour prior, but apparently we aren't afraid of a little mud (although it was a bit chilly). Jayson LOVED exploring all the pumpkins in the patch this year, while Max just wanted to ride in the cart lol.

Proof that I actually was part of the expedition! Even though we tried to get this picture at the end of the trip, when we thought the kids had gotten their fill of checking out the pumpkins, both of them were clearly much more interesting in taking off than sitting for a photo op lol.
Awesomely weird pumpkin #1 that I just had to take a picture of (Siamese twin pumpkins lol).

 Awesomely weird pumpkin #2--don't know that I've ever actually seen any of these growing on the vines in a patch before, although logically they had to have before hitting the grocery stores.....

Our final picks, taken home and washed off well! Jayson picked the three smallest pumpkins all by himself; I was very impressed with his eye for the nice round ones (although we did have to persuade him to leave the rotted mushy pumpkins alone a few times). I chose the big "papa" pumpkin as Jayson calls it, and even cut it off the vine too. 

My boys rocking their fall clothes (this was the day after I pulled all the warm clothes out of storage and bought them some new jeans). I just love them in cute hats!

Playing together nicely (it's rare enough to need a picture haha). I don't think it will be much longer before they both can't fit on there together anymore, which blows my mind. At three years old and 20 months, these kids never cease to amaze me with what they are up to, and how fast they grow!

Our little cabbage patch girl! Sam whipped up some hats for the twins to wear for Halloween (totally adorable right??) and we couldn't resist testing it out on Max. Clearly it was a little small for his head, and he wanted the darn thing off the second it touched him, but I just had to take a picture. We also let Jayson "try on" the hat but it just fell off because it was entirely too small.

And just one more of Max, being a little more masculine (and nakie) this time haha. We got to spend some quality time together one morning when Sam had already gone to work and Jayson was still sleeping. Max chose to watch the pirate episode of Backyardigans, so we donned our pirate hats and enjoyed :] When he's not getting into mischief and driving me crazy, this kid honestly cracks me up.

And there you have it! Like I said, nothing overly special, but definitely lots of cute pics. Next up on our list is GOING TO DISNEYLAND!!! Yes, I may be a lot excited here, but wouldn't you be? This Saturday night we (as in our family and my sister's family) are loading up a giant 12 seater van, and driving down to sunny California to spend four days at the happiest place on earth. I am SO excited to vacation with my sister's family for the first time ever; I think the best part will be watching the kids be together and have the time of their life. Hopefully my kids don't have too many meltdowns and stay healthy--I figure if we can vacation and accomplish that than it was a successful trip no matter what (anything else is just a big bonus haha). It will be interesting for me to see if Jayson is a daredevil or more laid back about rides, since I think he is finally tall enough to go on more things (fingers crossed anyway, if that's what he wants to do). Stay tuned for LOTS of vacation pictures soon!!!