Monday, July 14, 2014

Fun Pictures

I've (finally) been taking some pictures as of late, and thought I'd slap a few of them up on here for all of your guys' enjoyment :]

This was on the 4th of July (as I'm sure you guessed), right before we went to the Layton Parade. Max stayed home with Daddy, and consequently wasn't dressed when we took this picture, so that's why he's not in it. It's too bad too, because this is probably the cutest picture we got of all the cousins during their two weeks down here. Anyway, Jayson and I had a fantastic time at the parade--I just love that he's getting old enough for us to go and do fun things together!

Another slightly less flattering of everyone picture, taken on the last day everyone was together. Had to put it up though, because I wanted one of all seven kiddos. I just love how excited Max and Jayson were haha.
I know you can't really tell because the lettering is lime green, and because Jayson is covering up the writing on his shirt, but their t-shirts say "My brother is the best" and I just love it! I know they would agree with the statement, because every day when we go to pick them up from daycare, and they see each other for the first time in several hours, they share a big giant hug :] The other thing I love about these shirts is that they were fairly cheap up at the Park City outlet Carter's store. Jayson recently hit a growth spurt and has desperately needed almost all new clothing, so I got to enjoy shopping up at the outlets with my sister during my last week off. I seriously just want to go back and blow way more money, because I had such a good time and the clothes are so cute for the kids!

Since I went back to work this week (the down side of 7 off is having 7 on again lol), Sam tried to keep the boys occupied and quiet. That often means doing stuff outside of the house while I try and sleep. I have to say, Sam is GREAT at doing this, and I really really really appreciate it. This Saturday the little boys got haircuts (thank GOODNESS because Jayson was really starting to look crazy, as you can see in the above picture) and went to the zoo. Despite the fact that no one looks very thrilled in this selfie style pic, I am told that the boys really enjoyed riding the train for the first time. 

Apparently Jayson insisted on taking a picture while sitting on the lion statue, funny kid. I told Sam he was very brave for letting Max sit on the lion unassisted. BTW, the leash thingy that Max is wearing has become his absolute favorite stuffed animal of sorts (the leash part can come off in case you were wondering). He carries it around everywhere and calls it "Baby". It almost always cracks me up--I love to hear him say words lately, because his little voice is so different after surgery.

And last but not least is this little gem. As I type, my boys are probably passed out asleep like this. Max chooses to sleep on the floor pretty much every night (even if we put him back in bed)! Jayson consequently decides that it's ok to sleep in Max's bed. Tonight he also decided it would be okay to put on a pair of jeans to sleep, instead of his pajama pants. Whatever right? Love those crazy boys though to pieces :]

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