Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Mini-Vacation & Other Family Pictures

Sorry this post is a few days late, but work this weekend was definitely CRAZY, and that's usually when I find the quiet time to blog. Trust me, I was disappointed too! But, here we are, and better late than never right?

As I mentioned in the last post, Sam had an upcoming business trip to Kansas (which he enjoyed by the way), and I made a hot date with my family in Idaho to try and stay sane. Turns out it actually worked (minus one really bad day) and I rather enjoyed spending time with my boys all by myself! I know that sounds kind of ridiculous, but seeing as I don't usually do a lot of the child care tasking at home, I was nervous about how I would handle everything. I admittedly only had to survive 4 days and a 5 hour car ride home all by myself, but I was pretty proud of how well I handled it--hopefully the boys would agree! Wouldn't want to do it full time or anything (definitely enjoy co-parenting a lot more lol) and I did have some help from my sister and her husband, but nevertheless it was satisfying to realize what I can handle when push comes to shove. The coolest part was probably getting to have a special relationship with Max for a few days--because when daddy is home, everyone else is pretty much shoved aside. Without the big guy around, I actually got to be the first choice recipient of his hugs and attention (we won't dwell on the gross diaper changes and vomit after choking on dinner lol). It made me look forward to the day when he realizes he can love mom and dad equally when we are both around (I have to assume that day will come seeing as how Jayson went through the same phase). I was pretty busy chasing the boys around to get many pictures of our mini-vacation, but here are a couple I managed to snap, for your viewing pleasure :]

This was near the end of our bad day, in case the expression on my face didn't give that away. Max had been playing outside in the backyard unsupervised (for a whole three minutes lol), where Jayson and Mayce had ever so kindly made mud with the garden hose. I was trying to get dinner prepped for my kids, when next thing I know one of the older kids is hollering that Max was eating mud. Needless to say he got a bath RIGHT after the picture!

 On our last day in Idaho we went to the Boise Aquarium. Well, all of the not in school kids anyway. Not anything overly amazing to rave about in my opinion, except for the ray and shark tank (not only do you get to feed them, you can touch them)! However, the kids thought it was pretty swell. This was my best attempt at a group photo shot. Clearly I will not be hired for a photography business anytime soon lol,

Max was pretty sure he was guardian of the stroller/purses on our outing. That is, when he wasn't trying to drink the water out of the tanks that you could touch fish in. Seriously, I am learning more and more how gross little boys are! :p

We finally got our family pictures back on a CD in the mail, the day before we left for Idaho! Between being gone and then going back to work, I had hardly looked at them until tonight. Can I just tell you guys how much I love my 33 pictures? I seriously want to slap them all up on here, but that would take up way too much space, so I will try to choose a select few to share. Disappointed with Google Drive for making these pictures so grainy on the blog here, because they look a lot better in person. Oh well. And thanks again to Jenny Fowler for taking these awesome shots :]

Guess they do share some of my genetics after all lol

Couldn't share one of me and the boys without giving you a comparison of Sam and the little guys :]

Honestly isn't that too precious??

Love the skip in Max's step here!

Love this handsome guy to death, and then some :] Also can I just say that I was having the perfect hair day here, which NEVER happens (the hair gods were clearly smiling on me haha).

I waited until the very end of the photo shoot to try for this shot, and the boys were so clearly done taking pictures (my fault in planning). But, I really wanted to get a shot with the teddy bear, and at least it kind of worked out. It was a little bittersweet for me when I was planning out logistics for our family pictures this time, because we were supposed to be a family of five by now. Life definitely does go on, but I never forget my sweet baby girl Zoey, so it was nice to include her in the photo shoot in a small way. 

And just in case I haven't put up a big enough barrage of pictures, here are a few from us trying on Halloween costumes Sunday night (can't believe it's only a month away)!

Max had two costume choices this year: raccoon or giraffe. He absolutely fell in love with the giraffe costume, and I have to admit he is pretty darn adorable in it! Hard to believe that Jayson wore that costume just last year....

Jayson didn't really have much of a choice in the costume box this year (the disadvantage of being the older brother lol). We got this soldier costume as a hand me down from my sister's youngest son, and I have to say that Jayson took to it a lot better than I thought he would. We actually had a big fight about him taking it off before eating dinner (I'm taking no chances of him ruining it!), so I'm thinking it will work out just fine this year. 

For the first time in what feels like all summer, I don't think we have any big plans these next two weeks! Maybe because it's finally fall LOL. However, I have high hopes to attack the house during my week off and get some good deep cleaning done before the weather gets all cold and miserable. Also, I think it's in the books to try and have as much fun as possible with the kids outside before that's not as feasible. Have a great few weeks!

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