Sunday, April 7, 2013

Venting Time

UGH. That word right there pretty much sums up today.

I think I've had some of the crankiest children in existence this afternoon. Max has been crying more of the day than not, and I am pretty convinced that it's all to do with his lactose sensitivity. Every time he eats, his poor little tummy gets all bloated and of course that makes him feel miserable. Thanks to his CSID, he can't have any of the formulas without lactose in them--they all are chocked full of sucrose to compensate. We tried lactose drops, but for some reason we can't fathom, they give him diarrhea too. I've about had it with his misery, so I've decided to call the dietician tomorrow and get him on a special formula. It's soy based (so no worries about lactose in it) and is made so that you can add in your own carbohydrate of choice (so no sucrose/starch either). The big cons are that it isn't a powder like the formulas you buy in the store--it's actually a liquid concentrate--so it's not going to be exactly as portable, and it's going to be more expensive than the regular powder formula. CSID and expensive pretty much go together though, so no real surprise there. I will do just about anything to make Max feel better though, so I'm thinking it's worth a try. I don't think it could really make things worse in terms of his health anyway.

And then I have a teething toddler. Who, thanks to his age and dietary limitations, probably doesn't eat enough to keep up his energy levels...which ultimately doubles his cranky level. I'm getting pretty fed up with the lack of things Jayson will eat that are good for him. Or eat period. I guess every parent of a toddler feels that way....but for some reason it seems worse to me with Jayson. Maybe it's because his fruit and vegetable choices are a lot more limited. The bread products/carbs he can't eat probably aren't fantastic for him in the larger quantities he would want anyway. But it's unfortunate he can't have some, because maybe it would help keep him less cranky. I'm really starting to run out of ideas of what to feed him, and he's already gotten sick of a few "favorite" foods because I overused them (primarily cheese sticks).

I hate to always whine about CSID, and I HATE for it to rule my life so much--because my family is stuck with it regardless and I need to learn to make the most of it, but MAN some days I just wish it didn't exist! There are a lot of times that I wonder why on earth both of my boys (and possibly Sam and/or I) are afflicted with this--what were the odds?? Life almost seems normal....and then it's snack time, or meal time. And I remember. I'm finding it's pretty much impossible to eat out, so doing anything on the fly is out for us. Our Easter Vacation to California kind of confirmed that to me. I feel that sometimes we are an awkward burden to people when we go out; like they can't enjoy themselves because we are there and can't eat what they want to eat. 

Okay, enough pitiful whining. I think everyone who has a CSID family member needs to vent a little every now and then. It makes me feel a hair better for doing so, like maybe somebody will understand my situation. And now, I will leave you with a few cute pictures to make up for the downer post :]

My sweet little Maxwell, who now giggles and coos back at him!

Jayson with his Daddy and Grumpy Rick--we went to Funworks on our vacation, and I'm not sure which one of the boys had the most fun!
Sam and I enjoying the really nice weather outside (and not having to work!)

The picture quality isn't so great, and the boys weren't so into posing for a camera, but don't you just love our Easter outfits? My mother in law got the boys' clothes for us, and they are the cutest things EVER!

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