Sunday, May 19, 2013

Max's GI Appointment

Max had his pediatric GI appointment on Wednesday, which actually turned out to be a really good experience. Minus forgetting the stroller, and hence having to haul 14 pound Max around in his uber heavy carseat ALL OVER Primary Children's (they were doing construction, so of course we had to take the super long way to the GI clinic). It was certainly my arm workout for the week.

I had my reservations about our doctor, despite the fact that he did manage to diagnose Jayson. I wasn't able to go to Jayson's GI appointment back in November, and I felt like our doctor didn't really care or have much information on CSID. But I totally changed my tune when I took Max in--Dr. Patel is awesome! He remembered Jayson and asked me questions about his well being, even though I didn't bring him. Plus he answered all of my questions about Max, and even did some research into things for me when he didn't know. I left feeling guilty about my previous judgment of Dr. Patel--totally taught me my lesson about judging people before you actually meet them!

Anyway, we are going ahead with Max's endoscopy this Thursday afternoon. I'm really excited to know his enzyme levels in just a few short weeks. However, I'm really nervous about the whole going under anesthesia part--he's only (almost) 4 months old, and there's definitely a higher risk with kiddos so little. But it's very important for Max to be officially diagnosed as soon as possible; our insurance will be much more willing to cover things like Sucraid when he starts baby food if he's actually diagnosed. And baby food is really just a short months away....can't believe that. So I'm just going to pray that everything goes well, and have faith in the people who do the anesthesia/endoscopy every day.

I think we are going to go ahead and do the genetic blood testing for our whole family if the insurance will approve it--we are so close to hitting our out of pocket maximum that I think it will pretty much be covered by the time we all get it done. So that will be interesting to see as well.

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