Monday, May 13, 2013

Mother's Day

Mother's Day this year was interesting. I will admit, it had nowhere to go but up from last year, seeing as I had the stomach flu then. This year I didn't wake up until almost 8 o'clock; my dear boys decided to sleep in for me :] However, that meant we were running late for church and pretty much missed sacrament meeting. Neither Sam nor I had really planned out our primary lesson, which is bad news with a bunch of hyper 9 year olds. And I had one of the worst sinus headaches I've had in a while. It made for slow going when I needed to be speedy. To top everything off, Max had one of those "up and out of the diaper" poops that I totally stuck my hand in, right before he had a bath. It was GROSS. But we somehow made it past all of that and got to church in time to give our slapped together lesson. Thank goodness we made it through that just fine.

Then I had to go to work. That was not so fun, because I was really tired and Sundays at work are usually pretty boring/slow. I just tried to remind myself that I was in a much more peaceful place at work than if I was at home. I did really miss my family though (it's funny how much spending time with them on the weekends has grown on me). When I finally got home around 11 pm, I got to see the cute cookie/gumdrop flower Jayson made me in nursery. Sam and I had to laugh because we're pretty sure he filched one of the gumdrops off the flower before it came home. We're pretty sure he ate it and didn't lose it because he had some questionable diapers--poor kid can't hid anything from us lol. I was going to put the cookie flower on display with my dozen roses, but decided it would be better to hide the contraband from Jayson so he didn't clamor for it in the morning. Sam also made me chocolate covered strawberries, so the day wasn't a total loss :p

 My pretty roses (somehow I didn't get a picture of the chocolate covered strawberries before I ate them all lol)
 My candy flower that Jayson made me with love--you can see where there might have been another gumdrop near the top!

Can't wait for this week to be over with. I work every weekday except for Wednesday, and on that day I get to take both Jayson and Max to the gastroenterologist. It's Max's turn to be evaluated, and get his endoscopy set up. Looking forward to just getting that over with, so we can get his enzyme levels and try to settle in on a healthy diet (can't believe baby food is coming up in two-ish months)! This weekend is what I'm clinging to. I'm hoping to sleep lots and do some house renovations. Can't decide if I want to work on the outside of the house, or go hunting for more inside improvements. Regardless, I am determined to make more progress and have fun this weekend!

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