Monday, May 6, 2013

The Good And The Bad

Things have been so incredibly busy lately (more so than usual it feels like)! Pretty sure that I will never be as faithful of a blogger as I'd like to be, but here's a rundown of the last 1.5 weeks or so, in terms of good and bad.

The Good
  • Sam and I have been married for three years now! This also means we have known each other for four years. Crazy how the time flies by. Our actual anniversary date (May 1) fell on a Wednesday, so we waited until Saturday to go out and celebrate--the joys of being real grown ups with jobs and kids lol. We left the boys at my sister's house and got blood work done. So romantic I know, but it was honestly the only convenient time we had to get it done. Then we had lunch at Red Lobster, which is one of my favorite restaurants and kind of an anniversary tradition. We learned that they have a delicious parmesan crusted chicken and broccoli, served over pasta with a cream sauce--Sam was very pleased that he found something good at a seafood restaurant :] After lunch we wandered around at a few different stores, browsing for home stuff. I've been putting off decorating our home, but I'm starting to feel ready now that the seasons are changing to be less blah. It was delightful to get out for several hours with just Sam, but I was definitely ready to spend the evening as a family when we got home.
  • We bought a tablet! To be more specific, we bought a Samsung Galaxy Note. I haven't taken more than an hour or so to play with it, but it looks pretty darn cool to me so far. I particularly look forward to using it for reading books and whatnot at work to help pass time. I like that it fits really well in my purse; it's kind of like a giant smartphone for me now lol.
  • Our insurance approved Sucraid for Jayson!!! I can't believe how much it costs for a one month supply--a whopping 12,700 dollars. Seriously x infinity grateful that our copay is only 90 dollars a month. Guess I can't complain about them anymore, even if it is really tricky to find HCA approved stuff half the time. On Saturday, I made up Jayson's lunch plate: a hot dog, cottage cheese, and unsweetened applesauce. He had a milk sippy with 56 drops of Sucraid about 10 minutes before I let him eat, and then I sat back and watched (camera in hand) as he re-discovered applesauce. He LOVED IT! Two of Jayson's favorite foods are hot dogs and cottage cheese, but he wiped the entire serving of applesauce clean before he even touched any other food. I was so excited about Jayson loving applesauce and eating something healthy for him, without horrible stomach pain/bloating/diarrhea, that I about cried from joy. Since then, he's also had a banana and a meal with a fair amount of garlic, and no problems. Sucraid has seriously changed my life already, and I am beyond grateful for the chance that Jayson has to eat a bit more normally :]
  • The boys are officially sharing a room now, for the rest of their lives lol. I've really wanted to make some changes in our house, and one of the big things I've wanted to do is have a guest room. That required Max moving into Jayson's room though, and we've been really scared to make that change. Jayson isn't always the heaviest sleeper and Max doesn't quite sleep through the night yet, plus it's kind of a pain to not always have access to the room if one of the boys is napping. However, my need to get moving on house renovations inspired us to just go for it. So far, it hasn't been too bad. Hopefully I haven't jinxed myself--I'm thinking it will only be uphill from here as they get used to being with each other at night.
     Jayson and Max. They look nothing alike and totally alike all at the same time. Haven't quite figured that one out yet LOL.
    A slightly more flattering picture of Max. He has become quite the smiley and talkative child now--can't believe he's already 3 1/2 months old!
     Sunday afternoon--our first go at having applesauce with Sucraid. He was a little unsure about the stuff, seeing as he hasn't had it in about 4 months. Oh, and ignore the bruising on his stomach, I swear we don't beat him (he's the clumsiest kid ever)!
Happiest kid ever (Jayson is now 21 1/2 months)--we are so incredibly grateful for Sucraid!!

The Bad
  • I've been seeing the most awesome ENT ever for my sinus troubles (his name is Dr. Gilbert over at South Valley ENT in case you were wondering); my sister recommended him and I've been really pleased with everything. Last Thursday I had a CT Scan of my face done to see if they could pinpoint why I've been having such sinus issues, particularly this year. Turns out I have a pretty bad infection on the left side of my face, probably because I have an extra drainage hole in my sinuses that keeps infections re-circulating as opposed to draining out of me. Awesome huh? That means sinus surgery for me if I want to ultimately fix the problem (which I really do because I'm sick of getting constant sinus headaches and infections). I've never had surgery before, so I'm pretty scared about it, but I really want to feel better. The only bright spot for me is that my doctor does the surgery at an HCA approved facility once a month, so I can keep him as my doctor--I was really worried for a little bit that we wouldn't be able to work that out because I didn't think he did surgery at any facility my insurance covered. So thank goodness that won't be a problem.
  • I did THE STUPIDEST thing ever today. I am so embarassed about it, I almost don't want to tell you all. But at the same time, I'm so mad at myself over it that I hope writing/venting about it will help me to cool down. Before I went into to work today, I wanted to go cash a check at the bank that I'd been holding onto for longer than necessary. I'd never been to this particular branch before. I drove through, and did my banking business with the teller (btw they had this little automated camera that you interacted with the teller through instead of the usual teller in the glass window, thank GOODNESS for my ego). As I started to drive away, I heard this awful crunching sound on my right side and just about died inside. Turns out there was one of those nice yellow poles that was somehow hidden from my field of view (it was just the right height to be easily hidden from my sight in my defense) and I'd rammed my right side doors into it. When I got out to check the damage, I noticed that: there were ugly yellow and white marks all over the passenger side doors, it was slightly dented in, and the hideous crunching sound came from the front door handle. Yeah, it doesn't open anymore. With my luck, they will have to replace the whole front door--there goes any extra money we might have had. Bleh. The only positive thing about the scenario is that neither I or anyone else's car got hurt.
  • The only other thing of note would be that we are STILL waiting for the dumb gastroenterologists office to call back and set up appointments for Sam and I, after we went to all the trouble to get referrals from the primary care doctor as they insisted. In case I haven't mentioned it on here before, we have decided to find out our CSID levels/status. It definitely affects us and our little family of four, but could also have interesting repercussions on our families based on our results.
Anyway, that's what's been going on with us, stay tuned for more details soon!

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