Sunday, August 11, 2013

Quick Pic Post

There has been so much stuff going on lately that I should write a giant blog post all about it, and I'm really hoping that I do get around to doing that soon.....but as for now it's late Sunday night and I'm definitely far too sleepy for that! However, I was going through my pictures earlier this evening and just can't resist making a quick picture post of some recent favorites :]

 I love these pajama sets! It takes me back to when Seth was the bigger kid and Jayson was Max's size (you know, a year or so ago haha). It's getting to be so much fun now that my boys are the right sizes for matching clothes. And it's also so much fun now that they are interacting with each other a ton more! I honestly love to watch them "play", it's too adorable. So glad they have each other and haven't killed each other (yet anyway).

 From Saturday the 2nd until Wednesday the 7th we were fortunate enough to have the New Jersey part of Sam's family spend time with us. The boys loved having four extra grown ups in the house to play with! The last day everyone was here, we decided to go to Hogle Zoo. Jayson and Max had never been before, and as you can see by the picture above, Jayson thought all the animals were totally cool! Special thanks to Gram and Grandpa for getting Jayson the adorable ball cap, because mom and dad weren't smart enough to pack one for him on a sunny day.

 We also failed to pack a hat for Max. (At least I remembered sunscreen, right??) Since they didn't really sell hats in his size, Grandpa improvised and used his clean hanky. Max though it was pretty cool, and absolutely loved Grandpa carrying him around vs. sitting in the stroller.

Too bad the kids looked so miserable, because this is a really great picture of Sam and I with a nifty looking background (this was by the polar bear exhibit). This was pretty much the end of our trip (we really only saw half the zoo), and the boys were EXHAUSTED. But Gram and Grandpa saved the day by getting us a year pass to the zoo, so we can go back whenever we want!!!! I'm looking forward to lots of mini-trips in the next year :]

A group picture of the zoo-goers (minus me of course). Had to have the token picture of a crying, irate child at the zoo, thanks Jayson. Like I said, we were pretty exhausted!

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