Saturday, January 4, 2014

Captain's Log: Week 192

Before 2013 ended, I intended on making a nice blog entry about the year, in review. I had gotten about 2/3 of one written at work the week before New Year's....and then it got too busy and I never finished. Reading back on the post, it was kind of negative and rather personal for most of you guys to be interested in anyway. We will just say that 2013 was a rough and tough year for this little family. We were trying very hard to figure out our responsibilities--and balance--to family, full time jobs, chores, and general daily life as "real grown ups" for the first year. We had many joys (like Max and the cats joining our family, or going on two big vacations).....but many trials as well (like Zoey joining and leaving our family in just 14 short weeks, or finding out our boys have a life-altering dietary genetic disorder). In short, we are excited for 2014 and hope that we have the strength to face whatever hits the fan this year :]

One of my goals for 2014 is to blog weekly about the (hopefully) mundane going-ons of our family. When I started this blog last March my goal was to blog every couple of weeks--needless to say that epically failed. I hope that with a shorter time frame to write about that just maybe I will come closer to succeeding this year! I'm also hoping to take more pictures (and figure out how to download them from my phone to the computer lol), because I find that I tend to blog more when I have fun pictures to showcase an event.

So, starting next week I will try hard to actually make note of things that could possibly interest the public reading audience and put them on here. I apologize in advance if this whole blogging attempt turns into a long shpiel about me and my day .....I just happen to be biased about how cool my life is and don't see as much of my family on certain days to figure out what they are up to. But I'll try really hard to keep in interesting, unlike this paragraph ;p

Since I didn't really prepare--aka leave much time--to write this week, I will just share one 2014 goal per person with you, so you all can feel like this wasn't a waste of time to read! I know I already shared one, but another big goal of mine is getting back into the swing of going to church and the temple on a regular basis--it's crazy how working every other Sunday really gets you out of those habits, and I need to change that. Sam really wants to drop some weight and be super buff man lol, so hopefully he can find a way to get out and exercise more often (those goals are usually hand in hand right)? Jayson has just started potty training (hurray.....I think.....) so obviously his goal is to master that before his third birthday in July, whether he knows it or not haha. Max's goal is to get better at eating solid foods, so he can transition off that yucky formula in a bottle and into drinking milk from a sippy cup. I'm not biased in my children's goals at all now, am I?

Fun fact: the week number in my post title refers to how many weeks Sam and I have been married and hence started our own little family--I've seen it done before and figured it could be a fun number to work into the blog title. And the whole captain's log thing was something cool that I stole from another blog, thus doubly proving how uncreative I actually am haha.

Oh, and happy 2014 (we hope)!

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