Monday, January 13, 2014

Captain's Log: Week 193

This was a fairly average week in our life. A few big things, but nothing too over the top. I can't tell you how glad I am to say that, because it's been so long since we've had a "normal for us" kind of week! Anyway, here's some highlights for you.

Things I Caught On Camera 

Meet Tonka (top) and Gidget (bottom), the newest members of our family! I got them a few days before Christmas from the animal shelter in North Salt Lake as an early present for Sam, and we have absolutely loved having cats around. They are the most mellow and sweet creatures ever--the boys just love hugging and chasing them whenever they don't run away haha. In turn, the cats love parking it on our laps whenever and wherever we sit/lay down. The shelter estimated that Tonka (a boy) is around 11 years old, and Gidget (a girl) is about 2. Because Gidget was so young, she hadn't been de-clawed yet. Hence, she was scratching up all the furniture and people in the house. That was a slight problem, so on Monday the claws went bye-bye. FYI, I was just as stressed out for her surgery as I've been for both the boys' surgeries! But, she did absolutely fantastic, and has adjusted great to life without the claws. I actually think Gidget and Tonka get along better now for whatever reason, so I'd say this experience was a big plus for us.

Just had to throw in the picture of Max, because I wasn't at his ENT appointment to get a pic of him, but it was too cute to not put up on here somewhere. Sam took Max into the ENT on Wednesday because he has had practially non-stop ear infections since October. As bad as that has been for us (he wakes up at least twice a night, and I'm sure it's because he's in pain) it's got to be way worse for him. Anyway, the doctor determined that Max is a perfect candidate to get tubes for his ears, so this coming Wednesday (the 15th) is the big day. I am actually thrilled to be able to do something that might make him feel better, even though I regret that he has to have minor surgery to do so. Ah well, he's such a trooper that I know he'll do great. More updates next week on how it went, of course.

Last week I ordered some much needed furniture for our house, and we finally picked up most of it this weekend! We put together a headboard for our bed, along with two small bookshelves that go on either side of the headboard. I didn't get a picture of that (shame shame, I know) but I did get a picture of Jayson's new car bedding! Ever since we discovered "Mater's Tall Tales" on Netflix a few months ago, he has been obsessed with Mater, so I decided to get him some Mater bedding as a late Christmas gift. He was so psyched when we picked it up that he wanted to go straight home and put it on the bed, no joke (and this kid usually wants nothing to do with the bed lol). We about had a major meltdown in Walmart because we couldn't open the packaging right there. I don't blame him though, because as I made his bed at home, I was getting all excited about how awesome the bedding was! The only things we have left to pick up from the furniture order are the entertainment center for downstairs, and a bed frame for our guest bed--that's kind of this week's house project. Then I'd like to get a new couch and decorate the big deal right? I will accept any and all donations for such a daunting cause :p 

Cool Things I Didn't Catch On Camera

-We went to the zoo this weekend, yay! Jayson and Max both definitely enjoy getting to see all of the long as we don't get too close to the giant ones lol. Jayson and Max got the pleasure of zoo going with their cousins Rachel and Audrey, which I think they greatly enjoyed. It's a lot easier to stay at the zoo and enjoy the exhibits when there are more kids there to ooh and ah over the animals. And it's a lot nicer for the adults involved to have company/people to talk with. I think Jayson's favorite animals this time were all of the reptiles in the reptile house--he knew exactly what the snakes were thanks to the little pet snake that often visited his daycare a little while back, and he was proud to show that knowledge off. Pretty sure Max's favorite thing was the seal exhibit, because he got to toddle around the area and smack loudly on the glass walls! My favorite part of the whole experience was that it was a balmy 40 degrees outside, so we really didn't freeze at all like I had expected. Major bonus if you hate the cold like I do!

Goal Progress
-Sam is looking forward to getting an exercise program going. We are trying to make a schedule where he can go swimming three nights a week at the community center pool. This week we will see whether the pool is actually open at night, and if Sam actually has any energy left by the end of the day to work out lol. Hopefully he gets there at least once this week and enjoys some peaceful laps :]
-I did terribly at my goal this week. I had to work this past Sunday, and the weather was frightful the two days I had off--so that eliminated going to the temple. I am just not brave enough to traverse all the way up the mountain to the Bountiful temple in snowy weather, especially in a van with two wheel drive. To top it off, we got all ready to go to church this Sunday, and when we arrived the Tongan Ward was meeting in our usual chapel. Sam is pretty sure he missed the memo about Stake Conference or something last week, because we showed up at the right time and at the right building.....but nobody was there that we recognized. That was frustrating to me, because I was really looking forward to getting my church fill for the week. However, I still have a chance to get to the temple this week; it's definitely a high priority on my to-do list.
-Jayson has made some good steps in potty training. He is starting to tell us when he has to go, and holding it for longer periods of time. We even went a whole day without accidents yesterday! He has some good days at daycare, and some not so good days. A good day is two or less accidents; a bad day is being told he just about ran out of clothes (I bring him five pant changes, to give you an idea of how many accidents that is). At least he didn't come home in the little frilly green shorts that he loves so much this week ( time that's all they had left to put on him at daycare, and he really wanted to wear them all the time after that!) Overall, I'm really proud of him, this has been a much easier week potty training than I anticipated.
-Max is trying more variety in table foods, even though he is determined to feed the high chair more than his mouth! It's not that the little guy doesn't try to eat just never seems to stay in his mouth lol. He had a bout of diarrhea this week that kind of derailed us from feeding him more foods, because I wasn't sure if it was "bad foods" or a sickness tearing through him, so that was frustrating. We are stepping back and remembering that Max is more limited at this point in starch and sugar digestion than Jayson is, and trying to be more careful in what we put on his plate (i.e. no fast food burgers that have American cheese on them, or chicken nuggets that contain any breading). I think he is getting better, regardless of what caused it, which is nice. He has really enjoyed greek yogurt this week :]

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