Monday, January 20, 2014

Captain's Log: Week 194

So this is apparently the only picture I managed to take this week (while I was browsing stuff that I could never ever afford at Tai Pan Trading).....yet it was quite appropriate. Not exactly my most favorite week ever here folks, but we survived.

Things We Did
  • The boys had a dentist appointment last Monday. I thought it was on Tuesday, so you can imagine my surprise when I got a text Monday morning at 8 am, saying they were looking forward to seeing us at 10 am. I may or may not have called Sam in a terrible panic and begged him to come home, because I had to work at noon and would never make it to work on time if I had to take the boys back to daycare after the appointment. Good man that he is, he showed up at home 30 minutes later to help me out. It's a wonder that Sam hasn't been fired yet for all of the crazy stuff he has to take time off for, often at the drop of a hat. Thank goodness his company/co-workers seem to love him enough to put up with it. Anyway, back to the appointment stuff lol. It was Max's first time at the dentist ever, and he did so good! He has two top and two bottom teeth fully erupted, with two more on top trying to poke their way out. No wonder my poor kiddo has been so miserable lately. This was Jayson's third time visiting the dentist, and he liked it a lot less this time for whatever reason. All he wanted to do was go back into the front waiting room and play on the giant toy boat. Good news is that he doesn't have any obvious cavities (we tried to do x-rays just to confirm and that was kind of an epic fail, ah well). Both of the boys got new toothbrushes and a fun little toy at the end. In six months, you will get to hear about our great dentist adventures once more :]
  • On Tuesday I did some serious house cleaning. My biggest accomplishment was cleaning off the kitchen table my sister gave to us back in September. I've sworn that I was going to clean the darn thing since it first entered my house way back then, but a lot of sickness happened and I was too daunted by such a task. And before you think I was just being a wuss, it had at least 7 years' worth of young child food messes all over it, dried on and all. Anyway, I finally committed to the task, and after 3.5 hours of intense scrubbing it looks awesome! I'm quite sad that I didn't get a picture before Jayson came home and started all over on the mess cycle haha. Pretty sure I'm going to be a little more vigilant about cleaning it monthly from here on out.
  • Max got tubes on Wednesday! I did not go with Sam and Max because I had to work, but from what I hear Max was a little flirt and did fantastically well. He had yet another ear infection when they went in to place the tubes (surprise lol) and a lot of fluid that had built up, so I bet it was a real relief for Max to wake up and have a lot of that gone. He's really been even more cheery and happy since the surgery, so I think he's feeling a lot better. Even his daycare teachers have noticed a difference in his temperament. Now if we could just get Max past this terrible cold and cough he has, everything would be perfect!
  • Our poor Gidget cat has been terribly sick. On Wednesday afternoon, she threw up and could hardly stand on her feet. This was following several days of extreme lethargy, so I insisted that Sam rush her to the vet. Her potassium was critically low, and her liver enzymes insanely elevated, so she had to be hospitalized and given supportive fluids for several days. The vet initially suspected diabetes, but when her glucose levels came back normal he changed his mind. Gidget was failing to make the kind of improvement that they suspected she should be, and was refusing to eat much of anything, so on Friday our vet recommended taking her for an abdominal ultrasound at a specialty veterinarian's office near my work. Friday was a bad day for me, because I was pretty sure Gidget was going to die, and I was SO not ready for another big loss. Thankfully Saturday was a new day. After the specialty ultrasound on Saturday, we determined that Gidget has a terrible case of pancreatitis (meaning inflamed pancreas). This is a terribly painful thing that was causing her to have zero desire to eat, which in turn was creating her electrolyte imbalances and terrible liver enzymes. So Saturday night she got a feeding tube placed, and stayed for observation until this afternoon. Now we just have to nurse her back to health at home, with a crazy cocktail of meds and tube feedings, and hope for the best. If Gidget makes it through all of this (and I'm rooting for her cause she's a strong cat), I'm banking on her having a long and healthy life with us!!!
  • Friday and Saturday were kind of one long blur of work and exhaustion for me. I know I've been sick for months on end now, but it kind of comes and goes, being worse at some points. Well I'm currently at one of those "worse" points. This new version of cold isn't quite as terrible in the coughing department (for me anyway)--but it comes with sinus crap, a wicked runny nose, and ear aches. Oh, and that perpetually exhausted feeling. I seriously slept almost 10 hours both Friday and Saturday night, but it wasn't enough. Sad I know. Thank goodness I had some time on Sunday to take it easy and recoup.
Our Goals
I will try and keep this fairly short since I know I've rambled on a lot about the week.
  • Sam got to go and try out the community pool once this past week. Not the three times I was aiming for him to go, but ya know, things were a little topsy turvy this week. Pretty sure he enjoyed it, but he said wants to make a lot of progress towards getting in-shape and having more stamina as he continues to go.
  • I didn't make it to the temple--turns out it's a bad idea to store your temple bag and recommend in a car that may or may not be at home when you are ready to go the temple. Lesson learned. But, I did get to go to church on Sunday, hurray! My little angels were actually pretty good during Sacrament meeting, which made things a lot less stressful. I found that I actually enjoy church more when I have less expectations of how my kids should be behaving, and just try to enjoy the message more. Go figure haha. The only downside to church was having to take Jayson to the bathroom during the last two hours, because it interrupted my lessons. But it wasn't the worst thing ever, and that will end eventually right??
  • Jayson is still working hard at potty training of course. Some days are better than others, and I'm still trying to figure out why he makes it sometimes, and blatantly has accidents at other times. But I'm actually (and surprisingly) not too stressed about it overall. He has had a couple of dry nights this week which was pretty cool, because then we can reuse our night-time pull ups. Mommy loves saving money haha!
  • We kind of gave Max a break with the whole eating thing since he had surgery this week. However, we have made more of an effort to make sure he gets a couple of square meals over the weekend, since we don't have daycare to rely on for feeding him. He still definitely likes yogurt. I'm just running short on good ideas for finger foods and whatnot, seeing as he's already picky like Jayson. Guess that's a good job for me to figure out this week.....

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